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Artist Statement

I have shaped clay into tiny machines that mimic myriad household objects — toasters, computers, and toy cash registers. I have replaced numbers with drifting clouds on an old clock, creating a video collage — a window onto the sky where a flat, predictable system used to be. I have painted exposed water pipes in my kitchen to reveal their purpose and meaning: red for hot, blue for cold.

Using sculpture, video and installation, I am eager to build a new and alternate universe, where objects, colors and moving images wink at you, knowingly. The wink is a signal to slow down — asking for a long pause, to wait a moment and wonder if what you’re seeing is real or imagined or whether there’s a difference between the blurring of these visions. Using minimal forms, simple, symbolic color schemes (Home Machine 2), mundane objects (Timeless), and often-overlooked environments (Kitchen Water Pipes), the pieces are subtle reminders that our surroundings are full of disguises. I am playing a peculiar game of peek-a-boo between the hidden and the visible; my work is like a protest song for the persistence of contemplation, awareness, and consciousness.

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Clockwise from top: Home Machine 2, 2019, glazed porcelain, 2” x 1.75” x 2”; Kitchen Water Pipes, 1907/2018, copper pipes and acrylic paint, installation detail; Timeless, 2020, video still.